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Carnival instinct

Ok, so, there's a kitten on the porch. Again.

The outside interloper the canopener calls Sweet Pea has been at it again. (Like she's ever NOT at it.) Last year we got Mr. Fluffy Butt and Mr. Grey. And it's not like they've left the nest ... or lounge chair.

Time to take that Sweet Pea dam and get her damn fixed!

Now, I was a kitten once, and yes, the canopener did take me in, and got me all vetified and I don't have that nasty flea problem like I used to, but seriously. Enough is enough.

Right now I'm the only inside guy. Maybe a little hen-pecked by my female roomies, but still the king of the empty boxes.

No more, I say, no more!

If someone would buy the canopener's HepCatz, maybe she could afford to spay that dam cat.

Little one IS kinda cute though.

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