What the ... where?
So, the canopener woke me up from a nice nap. "We're hitting the social media highway," she says. "Fasten your seatbelt."
Of course, I ran under the bed. I hate trips. In my experience, trips only mean one thing ... V. E. T. Very extreme torture.
She coaxed me out with a bit of tuna. Eh, I can be had. And there was no sign of the box.
The canopener explained about getting this blog thing out to more viewers. Other canopeners, she suspects.
But I know better. Yoshi Toshi Lim? I'm talking to you. Lil' G? You too.
So, ok, I'll hit the highway. Just don't expect for me to ask directions.
And, canopener? A little more tuna, please.